Another one of the new house plants I bought at the greenhouse. It is called German Ivy. I had to have it as it is not like any ivy I had ever seen. It is almost succulant in it's leaves. Thick and glossy, amd so far is quick growing. Will try and take cuttings once I bring them inside for the winter. Enjoy.
Rustic's Flowers
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Went to one of my favorite green houses, aliitle expensive but you will always find something new. I try and go every few years, whne I need additions to my houseplants. I saw this Tillandsia - air plant - aeranthos purple giant. I normally do not like reds or pinks but this almost glowed so I got it. It also though will have tiny purple flowers coming off the main pink flower. Wheeeeeee
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Haven't bloged on this new blog, I just can not get motivated. A very wet spring thus far has meant I am not able to get into the gardens to weed, plant etc. But atleast after a number of years my three lilacs have finally bloomed. This one is right in front of our deck, and I have placed the hummer feeders around it. As you can see the orioles love nectar too! Right ow they are nesting and the blooms of the lilacs are spent. So now I must dig this bush up, it will be in the way of our direct dish. And per hub's comment if it blocks the signal he will rip it out. So I will move it, this also gives the garden more sunlight which the tomatoes and pepper plants need. Smile
Friday, April 1, 2011

I am thinking Spring but the outside temps say otherwise. So I will feature one of my favorite indoor plants. It is the clivia. I found it at Lowes about six yrs ago, while in full bloom. I had to have it. She has bloomed yearly since then, growing by leaps and bounds. It requires very little care, water when soil is dry, bright indirect light. That's it. I went online and found there are quite a few verieties also. I have started them by planting the seeds that develop after it blooms. I gave one batch away and have another batch growing in the front window. Plus I just planted some more. The more the merrier lol. Smile
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Last week I saw my first robin and a bluebird, who was singing away on the phone line. So I thought what flower could I picture that would take in the red of the robin and the blue of the bluebird. This is my purple primrose. Just so happens that red and blue mixed together make purple! Too bad I couldn't get it to survive the winter. I know some people plant them outside and they come back, but I have had no luck so inside they come. But alas they did not survive. Maybe I will try again this year.
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